Naval Bibliography – English-language (updated 20/10/1921)

Arnold-Baker, Richard, and George P. Cremos. 1990. Averof: The Ship that Changed the Course of History. Athens: Akritas. (ISBN 9607006321; 80 pp; illus; 20 x 22cm)

Baxter, Richard. 1944. Stand By to Surface. London: Cassell.(ch. 18, The Operations of Greek Submarines, pp. 187-193)

Benyon-Tinker, W.E. 1947. Dust Upon the Sea. London: Hodder & Stoughton.

(about the Levant Schooner Flotilla in Aegean, 1943-44)

(215 pp., 56 illus., 2 folding maps)

Bewley, Geoffrey. August 1997. (article about Averoff). Military History 14(3): 16-20.

Bitzes, John G. 1989. Greece in World War II to April 1941. Manhattan, KS: Sunflower Press. (good account of Greek military operations)

Buckley, Christopher. 1952. Greece and Crete 1941. London. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. pp311

Cunningham, Ed. 1943. The Greek Navy. Yank 2:10 (Oct. 1943).

Divine, Arthur D. 1944. Navies-in-Exile. London: John Murray. (pp. 216-249)

Evangelos, Ilias-Tembos. 2000. The Military Campaigns of the Axis Against Greece: Greece Observed 1940-1. thesis (MA or Ph.D.?), (discipline?), University of York.

Fleischer, Hagen. 1978. The “anomalies” in the Greek Middle Eastern Forces 1941-1944.  Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 5(3): 5-36.

Freivogel, Zvonimir. 2003. Vasilefs Georgios and Vasilissa Olga: from sister-ships to adversaries. Warship International 2003 #4: 351-364.

Gerolymatos, Andre. 1984. The role of the Greek officer corps in the resistance. Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 11(3): 69-79.

Giatropoulou R, & Thoctarides C. 2009 Whispers from the Deep. Piraeus Hellenic Maritime Museum bilingual (English/Greek) ISBN-13 9789608853539 160 pp

Glasglow, Eric. 1991. The Greek War of 1940-41. Contemporary Review 258(1502): 134-144.

Government of Greece. n.d. Facts About Fighting Greece. Washington, DC: Greek Office of Information. (20 pp, scanty coverage)

Grazioli, Luciano. 1988. The armored cruiser Averof. Warship International N4/1988: 370-4.

Greece in Arms. 1944. London: Grout Publishing by authority of Greek Office of Information. (booklet consisting of photographs and captions of all three services. Most shots of RHN are close ups of deck scenes)

Greene, Jack and Massignani Alessandro.  1998. The Naval War in the Mediterranean 1940-1943. London. Chatam Publishing. Sarpedon. pp352. ISBN 1 86176 057 4 and ISBN 1 885119 61 05. (ch. 12 pp 161-174 The invasion of Crete)

Hadjipateras, C.N. 1995. Greece 1940-41 Eyewitnessed. ISBN 9602265337. 293pp., illus.; 18cm (anthology of participants’ testimony of all combatants)

Haratsis, Stelios J. 1992. Hellenic Merchant Marine Losses During World War II. Hellenic Navy, Navy History Service, Naval History Section.

Hellenic Navy Fleet Command. 1996. Waves of Glory: the Hellenic Fleet from 480 BC to the Present Day. (ISBN 960859460X; 113 pp., in English and Greek, hardcover)

Higham, Robin. 1993. Preparation for war, the supply of arms, and foreign aid. In R. Higham and T. Veremis, eds., The Metaxas Dictatorship: Aspects of Greece 1936-1940. 41-61. Athens: Hellenic Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy.

Jane’s Fighting Ships, 1940-1945 editions. London.

Jones, Mark C. 2002. Misunderstood and forgotten: the Greek naval mutiny of April 1944. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 20(2): 367-397.

Kitroeff, Alexander. 1980. The Greek seamen’s movement 1940-1944. Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 7(3-4): 73-97.

Ladas, Alexis. 2010. Falconera. Fine fiction book inspired by the little known activities of the Greek Schooner raiding Flotilla in WW2. Athens Lycabettus Press ISBN-3 9789607269508 pp 318

Lemos, Andreas G. 1976. The Greeks and the Sea. London: Cassell. (ch. 5 on merchant marine)

Los, Matheos D. 1998. The Silent Confrontation: Greek Shipping in World War II. Piraeus: Akritas Publications. (36 pp)

Loumakis, Panagiotis. 1996. Waves of Glory: the Hellenic Fleet from 480 B.C. to the Present Day. Trans. Efstathios T. Triphyllis. Athens: Hellenic Navy Fleet Command (113 pp., illus, in English and Greek, ISBN 960859460X).

MacIntyre, Donald. 1964.The Battle for the Mediterranean. London: B.T.Batsford Ltd. 216 pp (ch.4 Greece and Crete pp 61-79,)

Malakases, Giannes Th. (John Thomas Malakasses). 1990. The Greek Navy during the war in metropolitan Greece, its disintegration and subsequent exodus to Egypt in April of 1941.   Dodone 19: 87-126.

___. 1992. The state of the officer’s corp in the decade of the thirties in Greece and the advent of right-wing militarism. Dodone 21(1): 114-132.

___. 1995. The Navy and its Officer Corp in the Decade of the Thirties and up to the Eve of the Greco-Italian War. Ioannina: Epistemonike Epeterida tou Tmematos Historias kai Archaiologias tes Philosophikos Scholas tou Panepistemiou Ioanninon. pp. 93-112.(yearbook of the dept. of History and Archeology, School of Philosophy, University of Ioannina)

___. 2001. The Greek Naval Revolution of April 1944, vol. 1. Ioannina: University of Ioannina. (Dodone, supplement #67, ISBN 9602331097, 330 pp., softcover, illus, biblio)

Païzis-Paradellis, Constantin. 2002 Hellenic Warships 1829-2001. Athens: The Society for the Study of Greek History. ISBN 960-8172-14-4.

Papageorgiou, Geses. 1998. Stoles tou Polemikou Nautikou/Uniforms of the Hellenic Navy.Athens: Ekdoseis Astraia. 126 pp., illus., 33cm, ISBN 9608579716

Papastratis, Procopis. 1991. A Fighting Navy in Exile: The Greek Fleet in the Mediterranean and Beyond. In J. Sweetman, ed., New Interpretations in Naval History (Tenth Naval History Symposium). pp. 363-373. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.

Paspati George, 2009, Dead Reckoning A memoir of World War II in the Aegean. Athens Libro ISBN-13 978-9609315821 pages 259

Roberts, A.R. 1975. Transfers of warships between the Allied navies during World War II – Part I Greece. Warship Supplement #38 (May 1975), pages 9-10.

Robinson, Walton L. 1944. The Greek Navy fights on. U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 70(8): 1013-1021.

Ruge, Friedrich Vice Admiral. 1957. Der Seekrieg , The German Navy’s Story 1939-1945 (Translated by Commander M.G.Saunders, R.N) U.S. Naval Institute. Library of Congress Catalogue No. 57-14714768. pp 440. (ch. 8 The Mediterranean pp130-155, ch.10 Russia or Mediterranean pp184-209)

Sakellariou, Alexandros E. 1949. The Position of Greece During the Second World War. New York: Cosmos. Sharp, S. 1993. The Greek Navy in Egypt 1943. Warship Supplement #113 (summer 1993), pages 20-21.

Smith, Peter C. forthcoming. Who Sank the Helle?

Spyropoulos, Evangelos. 1993. The Greek Military (1909-1947) and the Greek Mutinies in the Middle East (1941-1944). New York: Columbia University Press.  (480 pp, no index, notes, 23cm)

Stavrianos, Leften S. 1950. The mutiny in the Greek armed forces, April 1944. The American Slavic and East European Review 9(4): 302-311.

Syrett, David. 1988. The British and the Greek naval incident at Chatham, 1944. Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 15(1-2): 49-69.

The Royal Hellenic Navy, 1822-1948. The Naval Review (London), Feb. 1949, pp. 47-51 and continued in next issue pp. 274-278. (anonymous author used pseudonym ‘Trident’)

Veremis, Thanos M., and Andre Gerolymatos. 1991. The military as a sociopolitical force in Greece, 1940-1949. Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 17(1): 103-128.

Woodbine Parish, Michael. 1993. Aegean Adventures 1940-1943 and the end of Churchill’s dream. The Book Guild Ltd. 400 pp, illus., ISBN 0-86332