For more information or remarks and comments about the site, you can contact Constantine Couclelis,
grandson of Admiral Mezeviris, who edited this website.


I have just discovered your fine web page about Admiral Gregory Mezeviris, Royal Hellenic Navy. I am a naval historian interested in the European Allies of World War II that reformed their armed forces with British assistance… Several years ago I published a scholarly article about the April 1944 mutiny of the RHN in Egypt. I had great difficulty finding sources in English about the RHN. Periodically I look on the web for sources in English about the RHN and was astonished to find your site… Though your primary motivation is to honor your grandfather, your web site is a useful source for naval historians interested in Greece. As I discovered while researching my article, in English there is no history of the Royal Hellenic Navy/Hellenic Navy from 1821-present or of the RHN during World War II. Since Greece is an important country as a member of NATO and the European Union, it is important for its history to be available in English. I have been attempting to persuade Greeks interested in naval history to write in English on the topic of the RHN during WWII

Mark C. Jones
Historian,author of: Misunderstood and forgotten:
the Greek naval mutiny of April 1944


Your website to honour Admiral Mezeviris is wonderful, and a great thing to have created. I’m so pleased I found it. It is full of fascinating information…..

Mark Rainbow
Tyne & Wear, England


I would like to warmly congratulate you on the truly excellent and exemplary website you have created for your late grandfather Admiral Mezeviris.
Demosthenes Koukounas
Journalist & Historian


I would like to congratulate you on the excellent website, dedicated to your grandfather, Admiral G. Mezeviris.
Vangelis Laskos


Συγχαρητήρια για τήν υψηλοφροσύνη με την οποία διατηρείτε την Μνήμη του παππού σας.

Νικόλαος Σολωμός
Σχολή Ναυτικών Δοκίμων


Γειά σας κύριε Κουκλέλη, Βάλαμε τον παππού site της ημέρας…. Ωραίο site. Μακάρι να το κάνουν περισσότεροι.

Νίκος Βασιλάκος
Πρόεδρος ΔΣ ΕΕΧΙ
Αρχισυντάκτης Βιβλίου & Τεχνολογίας


Συμπτωματικά έπεσε το μάτι μου στη σελίδα που αναφέρεται στο Ναύαρχο Διάβασα πολλά, όχι όλα. Να γιατί η Ελλάδα μας κάποτε μεγαλούργησε σκέφτηκα. Υπάρχουν άραγε τέτοιοι άνδρες σήμερα; Αναρωτήθηκα. Μελαγχόλησα.

Θεόδωρος Χ. Καϊράκης
Συνταξιούχος καθηγητής Δ.Ε
Τέως Έπαρχος


I was very impressed with your grandfather’s history and career in the Hellenic Navy. I also served in the Hellenic Navy ….

Captain Chronis Kalivas
Master Oceans United States Merchant Marine


I enjoyed reading the story. It provides an interesting first hand account of a part of the war and should be of interest to history devotees.

Richard Karplus
University of Chicago M.B.A.


Ι have just visited your site and would like to congratulate you on an excellent account of your grandfather’s life and career…. It’s excellent that you have achieved this and I hope it encourages others to do the same-no least because so much information and so many become lost or meaningless as each successive generation comes and goes…

Christopher Long
Journalis, Editor & Foreign Correspondent


Je decouvre la biographie impressionante de ton grand pere paternel:quelle allure!!! ce portait est excellent par la concision de son contenu et par sa mise en page. Bravo!

Georges Maurios


First of all, congratulations on the website in memory of your great grandfather …. I am also the grandson of a great Greek, who in fact had met your grandfather. They met after the unfortunate torpedoing of Elli – in the pandemonium that had been created- after my grandfather accidentally starred in the incident. Immediately after the torpedoing of ELLI, my grandfather Michalis Petyhakis ordered the 2 fishing boats PROPONTIS and ELENI that he owned and that were in the area to hurry in the scene of the torpedoed ship and defying the danger of an expected explosion with sangfroid and courage collect the injured shipwrecked, providing immediate assistance to the injured. Without his patriotic contribution, it is certain that there would have been more than the 24 wounded and 9 dead casualties. The event is of particular value because at the time the port of Tinos was full of boats and dinghies which, either out of fear or panic, did not approach the scene of the accident. For this act of bravery, my grandfather Michalis Petyhakis was honored together with his crew with 2 honorary citations from the Kingdom of Greece and the Metaxas government in a special ceremony. Your  grandfather was the host at the first celebration of the anniversary of Elli in 1946 and my grandfather his official guest at the festive events.

Michalis Petyhakis


“A nation suffering a lot: territorial claims, ethnic divisions, border expansion, independence struggles, wars…

As admiral, Gregory Mezeviris served his homeland and defended it.

When history is written by great leaders it magnifies and defines the destinies of a people.”

Sofia Paraskevopoulou

